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Methadone Treatment Centers

Methadone detox centers are always controversial but its drug detox programs are one of the most effective ways to help addicts deal with their painful ordeal during drug withdrawal. Critics say that there is no point in using a method where the addicts have to be induced with another drug to counter-attack one drug. There is no doubt that it is a strong argument, but supporters feel that if a drug can reduce the pain of withdrawal process then why not give the already suffering patients a bit relief. In fact this relief can boost up their morale and give strength to move on with the whole process of recovery!

Methadone Detox Centers Work on the Following Rules:

  • Doses of methadone can give relief to drug abusers for up to 6 hours but residue of methadone remains in the body for up to 60 hours. It should be taken care of that the treatment program is such designed that it uses other medications during this gap otherwise it will cause a build up in the body.
  • If there is a methadone build up, the next dose of regular methadone will not work, the body will crave for twice the amount.
  • Over dosage of methadone can lead to fatal conditions. Some of the symptoms are; trouble in breathing, dizziness, disorientation, blurred vision etc.

There is no doubt that there are serious health issues involved in methadone detox treatment but on the brighter side, doses of methadone can save opiate addicts from fatal withdrawal symptoms.

What is Methadone Treatment?

helpMethadone is the generic name for analgesic .i.e used to reduce pain in case of surgeries or severe accidents. Its cross-tolerance property is used in drug treatments. It is believe to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of opiate thus reliving the patients from acute painful physical conditions. Withdrawal symptoms from opiate addiction can be unbearable and sometimes patients are on verge of collapse. In such situations methadone becomes that one drug which can give relief to the patient immediately.

It is basically a replacement drug therapy where the patients are prescribed to take doses of methadone to reduce effects of opium in the body. Methadone treatment centers are always under scrutiny and controversy. Considered a treatment for heroine or opiate addiction, methadone treatment involves taking regulative doses of Methadone which itself is a famous drug. But, the idea is to give the patients small doses of methadone which cross-functions mellowing down the acute symptoms of withdrawal.

Why Should One Go to Methadone Treatment Centers to Treat Opiate Addiction?

Opiate addiction is not considered as much harmful as its withdrawal process. Most of the times, patients succumb to the process. Only one drug can help ease the ordeal of opiate de-addiction; methadone.

To gather more information on Methadone treatment centers feel free to call our helpline number at (866) 531-4569.

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